Close-up photo of the White-tailed Shrike

Namibia Bird Club

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites


SAVE The Date: Bird Mapping and BirdLasser Course

Free Bird Mapping and BirdLasser Course

Outing To Omeya Golf Estate

Be at the estate gate at 08:30

Directions: Drive from Windhoek about 35 km on the tar road B1 in the direction of Rehoboth and find the Omeya Golf Estate on your right.
Please wait at the gate – we have to sign in.

Remember: Picnic lunch, camping chair, hat, drinking water, BINOCULARS

Please let Gudrun know by 24 May 2024 if you are DEFINITELY going to attend

Children are welcome on the condition that they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Garden bird survey for May 2024

You are invited to join in submitting a garden bird list for one week or longer.

Please find below the data sheets for the Garden bird survey – May 2024.
There are separate forms for:

  • Windhoek
  • Coastal towns
  • Farms and Lodges etc.

Windhoek Coastal towns Farms and Lodges

A full cycle will have been reached with the May list and a summary will be in a future Lanioturdus journal.

Please send in your list to coordinator Innes Louw

No Morning Walk at Avis Dam

Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no morning walk at Avis Dam on Sunday 12 May.

Birder's Get-Together 2024

The Birders’ Get-Together, which is held under the auspices of the Namibia Bird Club, will take place from Wednesday 1 to Sunday 5 May 2024 (4 nights) at Alte Kalköfen Lodge.

For more information and further details please refer to the document below:

Annual General Meeting

The 38th Annual General Meeting of the Namibia Bird Club will be held at Namibia Scientific Society, Windhoek on Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 19h00

Notice of the AGM Agenda of the AGM

Morning Walk at Gammams Water Works

Meet: 08:00 at the entrance.

Directions: Directions: Follow Sam Nujoma Avenue (C28) out of town towards Daan Viljoen Park, turn right into Otjomuise Road (past Ramatex) and find the water care works on your left.

Remember: hat, drinking water, BINOCULARS

Children are welcome as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Morning Walk at Avis Dam

Meet: 07:00 in the dam wall car park

Directions: Follow Sam Nujoma Avenue (C28) east towards Hosea Kutako International Airport, turn left into Mac Kenzie Road, into Avis road and follow the road to the dam.

Remember: Entrance fee N$ 30.00

Children are welcome as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Talk on the Southern Ground Hornbill

Dr Lucy Kemp - Project Coordinator of the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project will be giving a talk on the

Southern Ground Hornbill
Endangered Large Terrestrial Bird

Southern Ground Hornbill

Time: 19:00
Location: Namibia Scientific Society, 110 Robert Mugabe Avenue, Windhoek

Day Outing to Farm Steinheim

Report by M. Kelly
13 people attended and the highlight was close observations of 2 Jacobin Cuckoos in the riverbed vegetation opposite the picnic site.

Walking along the river
A total of 51 species of bird were heard / seen:

Steinheim Bird List

Garden Bird Survey

It is time for the February Garden Bird Survey
This survey is open to newcomers / neighbours / farmers and the general public.

Please find below three separate spreadsheets for:
City Coastal towns Farms and Lodges

'Left out sightings'
Any species SEEN in December and January that has not been recorded in Nov and now in Feb to be highlighted.

NO RECORDS have been submitted for the City centre: we need feedback of Swifts/Peregrines/feral Doves/House Sparrow’s/Rosy-faced Lovebirds etc. Anyone working 'in town'/City centre?

Looking forward to your submissions - send to the co-ordinator Innes Louw

Thank you to all that sent in observations in your garden in November 2023.

Outing to Airport Lodge

Report by Gulia Lewis:
On the nice cloudy morning of the 28th of January several like-minded people (15 members of the Bird Club) gathered together at Airport Hunting Lodge.

Upon arrival to the spot “a late migrant’s arrival” was observed which was positively identified as a representative of a Eurowing species.
A representative of a Eurowing species
During the walk around beautiful water spot a few interesting bird species were observed amongst others, such a Grey Heron, Willow Warbler, Ashy Tit, Yellow-Billed Kite, South African Cliff Swallow, Jacobin Cuckoo. Waders were presented by Ruffs, Three-banded Plovers and Egyptian Geese.
Water hole
In the trees around the water spot to our delight a Pearl-Spotted owlet was discovered.
After the walk a nice picnic breakfast was enjoyed and the holiday months of December/January were discussed and the impressions of vacation birding were shared.
The Picnic

A total of 58 species of bird were heard / seen:

Airport Lodge Bird List

Calendar 2025 Photographs Wanted

You are invited to submit your photos of birds of Namibia for the Calendar 2025.
You can send in up to five photographs in low resolution and please include the location where each photograph was taken.
Once you photo is chosen we will contact you and ask you for a high resolution photograph.
All chosen photographers will be duly credited.

No photographs taken of captive birds will be accepted. No photographs will be purchased.

Please email your photographs to Anita Zimny.

Morning Walk at Avis Dam

26 Greater Flamingoes and about 150 Maccoa Ducks were a nice surprise for those that went on the morning walk at Avis Dam.
A total of 65 species of bird were heard / seen:

Avis Dam Bird List